International Epilepsy Policy

Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders (IGAP)

In November 2020, at the 73rd World Health Assembly, WHO Member States endorsed a resolution calling for integrated action on epilepsy and other neurological disorders. The resolution calls for the development of an Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP), which will be considered at the 75th World Health Assembly.

Read draft IGAP and current progress

History of initiatives to reduce the global burden of epilepsy

ILAE President Ted Reynolds’ efforts in the Global Campaign

WHO and Epilepsy: WHO approval of ILAE as non state actor

2019 WHO-ILAE-IBE Global Epilepsy Report 2019

2019 WHA Side Event: Epilepsy: A public health priority

2015 WHO Resolution on the Global Burden of Epilepsy

Out of the Shadows - Global Campaign to Shine a Light on Epilepsy
A joint WHO-ILAE-IBE initiative to improve acceptability, services, and prevention of epilepsy around the world, with a particular on reducing the unacceptable treatment gap.