Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)

Note: For the United States and the United Kingdom use USA and UK, respectively, for all others spell out the country name.


Anästhesie bei Zerebralen Krampfanfällen und Intensivtherapie des Status Epilepticus

Authors: Opitz A, Degen R
Publisher: Perimed Verlagsgesellschaft - Germany, Erlangen (? pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: ?

  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes
  • Drug Therapy, Pharmacology of Antiepileptic Drugs

Anfallskrankheiten. Ein Ratgeber für Anfallskranke und Ihre Angehörigen

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: J Ambrosius Barth - Germany, Leipzig (56 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: ?

  • For Health Workers, Teachers, Parents and Patients

Benign Localized and Generalized Epilepsies of Early Childhood

Authors: Degen R, Dreifuss FE, eds
Journal: Epilepsy Research 1992; Suppl No 6
Publisher: Elsevier - Netherlands, Amsterdam (230 pages)
Language: English
Type: Book in series; serial book
Codes: ISBN: 0444812660 ISSN: 0920-1211

  • Pediatric Epileptology
  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes

Das Anfallskranke Kind in der Sprechstunde. Symptomatik, Diagnostik und Therapic der Anfallsleiden im Kindesalter

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: J Ambrosius Barth - Germany, Leipzig (200 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: ?

  • Pediatric Epileptology

Die Kindlichen Anfallsleiden: Epileptische und Nicht Epileptische Anfälle

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: Hippokrates - Germany, Stuttgart (239 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: 3777303844

  • Pediatric Epileptology

Epilepsien und Epileptische Syndrome im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter: Klinische und Elektroenzephalographische Differentialdiagnose

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag - Germany, Berlin (215 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: 3894123656

  • Clinical Diagnostic Procedures
  • Clinical Aspects in General

Epilepsien und Epileptische Syndrome im Kindes-und Erwachsenenalter: Elektroenzephalographie

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag - Germany, Berlin (674 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: 3894123664

  • Clinical Diagnostic Procedures
  • Clinical Aspects in General

Epilepsy, Sleep and Sleep Deprivation. 2nd ed

Authors: Degen R, Rodin EA, eds
Journal: Epilepsy Research, Suppl No 2
Publisher: Elsevier - Netherlands, Amsterdam (285 pages)
Language: English
Type: Book in series; serial book
Codes: ISBN: 0444813365

  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Authors: Niedermeyer E, Degen R, ed
Journal: Neurology and Neurobiology, Vol 45. Symposium on Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Bad Kreuznach, Fed Rep Germany, September 17-19, 1987
Publisher: Alan R Liss - USA, New York (484 pages)
Language: English
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: 0845127497

  • Pediatric Epileptology
  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes

Praxis der Epileptologie. Klassifikation, Symptomatologie, Aetiologie, Diagnostik, Prophylaxe, Therapie, Sociale Probleme. 2te Aufl

Authors: Degen R
Publisher: Gustav Fischer - Germany, Stuttgart (170 pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: 3437114670

  • Clinical Aspects in General