Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)

Note: For the United States and the United Kingdom use USA and UK, respectively, for all others spell out the country name.


Epileptic Seizures and Their Triggering Factors. With Documents of the Past Meetings of Epilepsy Society in Tohoku Region as an Appendix

Authors: Fukushima H, ed
Journal: Proceeding of the 7th Meeting of the Tohoku Epilepsy Society
Publisher: Dept of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University - Japan, Hirosaki (51 pages)
Language: Japanese
Type: Proceedings / abstracts / reports of organization / meeting
Codes: ISBN: NA

  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes

Influence of Anticonvulsants on Pregnant and Puerperal Mothers, Fetuses and Newborns

Authors: Fukushima H
Journal: A cumulative volume of research papers supported by the Grant in Aid for Scientific Research 1985
Publisher: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University - Japan, Hirosaki (194 pages)
Language: Japanese
Type: Proceedings / abstracts / reports of organization / meeting
Codes: ISBN: NA

  • Treatment, Management and Outcome

Tenkan no Chiryo-Yakubutsu, Seishinshakai, Geka (Translated from Schmidt D's Behandlung der Epilepsien: Medikamentös, Psychosozial, Operativ)

Authors: Wada T, Fukushima H, Ohgitani A, Inoue A, Hojo T, Nishio K, transl
Publisher: Shinjukai-Sozo Shuppan - Japan, Tokyo (221 pages)
Language: Japanese
Type: Translation
Codes: ISBN: 4881582062

  • Drug Therapy, Pharmacology of Antiepileptic Drugs