Chapter Name: Chilean Society of Epileptology (Chilean Chapter of ILAE)
Report By: Juan Luis Moya Vilches


The Chilean Journal of Epilepsy is the official publication of our Society. Dr. Carla Manterola is its current Editor. During 2020, we released the 20th volume of this Journal, composed of two numbers (the 1st was published in June, and the 2nd one is in press currently). Among the published material, we can mention original papers, case reports, literature reviews, and updates.

Next year, we shall release two brand new numbers as part of the 21st volume.

Our current official ISSN number is 0719-5397. The journal is also available online on its own website

Summary of Activities:


Chapter Meeting No. 190 - Saturday, January 11, 2020.
"Emerging toxicological problems expressed as epileptic activity".
Laura Börgel, MD. Medical Toxicologist, President of RITA Corporation-CHILE 2012 (Forensic Toxicology, University of Chile).

Chapter Meeting No. 191 - Saturday, March 14, 2020.
"General assembly of the Chilean Society of Epileptology, 2020".
Board of Directors of the Society.

Day of Reflection and 2nd Meeting of Epilepsy Residents - Saturday, July 18, 2020.
"How do we face epilepsy in times of pandemic?"
Patricia Alfaro, MD. Pediatric Neurologist, Epilepsy Resident, Las Condes Clinic/University of Chile.
Carmen Paz Pérez, MD. Pediatric Neurologist, Epilepsy Resident, UC Christus Network/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Rogelio Carrillo, MD. Neurologist, Epilepsy Resident, UC Christus Network/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Darío Ramírez, MD. Neurologist and Epileptologist, Hospital del Salvador/Society of Epileptology of Chile.

Chapter Meeting No. 192 - Saturday August 22, 2020.
"Atypical evolution in rolandic epilepsy".
Carolina Muñoz, MD. Pediatric Neurologist and Epileptologist, Hospital Regional Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente, Concepción, Chile.

Chapter Meeting No. 193 - Saturday September 26, 2020.
"Role of occupational therapy in children and adolescents with epilepsy".
Andrea Barriga, OTR. Enlaces Therapy Center. Professor of Clinical Pediatrics in Occupational Therapy, San Sebastián University.

Chapter Meeting No. 194 - Saturday October 17, 2020.
"Update in Unexplained Sudden Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)".
Gabriel Abudinén, MD. Neurologist, Epilepsy Resident, University of Chile Clinical Hospital.

Chapter Meeting No. 195 - Saturday, November 14, 2020.
"Neuropsychology in epilepsy: definitions and challenges".
Jose de Pablo, CP. Clinical Neuropsychologist, Epilepsy Surgery Program, Institute of Neurosurgery Dr. Alfonso Asenjo (INCA).

Chapter Meeting No. 196 - Saturday, December 12, 2020.
"Updates in idiopathic/genetic generalized epilepsies".
Sebastián Silva, MD. Pediatric Neurologist and Epileptologist, Hospital de Puerto Montt (HPM), Chile.

Note: meetings scheduled for the period between April and June 2020 were suspended, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. From August 2020, this activity was resumed using online meetings. This last format associated a notorious increase in attendance to our meetings, with an average number of 40 participants per reunion since the online alternative was adopted. The date was displaced from the first to the second week of the month, maintaing saturdays as our meeting day.


Between September and December 2020, we completed the fourth version of our Continuing Medical Education (CME) Course, denominated "Differential Diagnosis in Epilepsy". This course was presented in the e-learning format, and it counted with the participation of 155 health professionals (including general physicians, neurologists, pediatric neurologists, and residents, among others). We dedicated this version to differential diagnosis, considering that telemedicine has proven fundamental during the current pandemic and diagnostic clues may be a helpful hand for remote consultations.


Latin American Day of Epilepsy
We celebrated the Latin American Day of Epilepsy on September 9th, 2020. The Normative Group in Epilepsy from the Chilean Ministry of Health organized a commemorative activity on September 8th, 2020, involving the participation of most institutions that are currently working in epilepsy. Our board participated actively in this meeting.

Social networks
Considering the ongoing pandemic, we decided to give a bigger impulse to our social networks, reactivating our Facebook account ( and creating an official Instagram account ( Both accounts have become a tool of the greatest relevance to enhance our public outreach, and we are currently promoting our academic activity through these media. We regard the results as satisfactory, our main indicator being the growing attendance to our courses and meetings.


Normative Group in Epilepsy
Two members from our Board of Directors (Dr. Darío Ramírez and Dr. Juan Luis Moya) are working actively in the Normative Group in Epilepsy from the Chilean Ministry of Health. This is the governmental official working group dedicated to promotion of public health policies regarding epilepsy, and its activities include the creation of clinical guides and protocols, upgrading courses, and coordination labor inside our network of health services. Dr. Juan Moya also participated as a member of the Education and Learning subgroup.

Besides, Dr. Juan Moya will assume as one of the main coordinators of this group starting from May 2021.


Future Plans:





Officer Election Date: Chapter Meeting on March 13th, 2021