
Exhibition Floor Plan

Collapse/Expand Please follow the link below if floor plan does not appear Exhibition Floor Plan
EE2024  IndustryFloorplan 020624
Exhibition Opening Hours (tentative)
7 September 13:00-17:00
8 September 09:00-17:00
9 September 09:00-17:00
10 September 09:00-17:00


Exhibition Booking Form

Collapse/Expand If you would prefer to complete the form in a new window, please follow this link: Exhibition Booking Form.


Invitation to Industry

For details on all items available to ILAE's industry partners at EEC 2024, please view the Invitation to Industry below. If the document does not appear, please follow the link: Invitation to Industry.



Satellite Symposia

Saturday, 07 September 2024 16:30-18:00 – Caravaggio Room

Chair: Arjune Sen (United Kingdom)

  • The Power of Real-World Data: The CORE-VNS Study – Gaia Giannicola (Italy)
  • CORE-VNS: Contemporary VNS Therapy Outcomes of People with Drug Resistant Epilepsy in Europe – Arjune Sen (United Kingdom)
  • CORE-VNS: Global Insights into VNS Therapy in Patients with Genetic Epilepsies – TBC

Sunday, 08 September 2024 08:00-09:30 – Bernini Room

Chair: Anita Devlin (United Kingdom)

  • Indications and Clinical Evidence for Efficacy of ketogenic Diet Therapy – Stéphane Auvin (France)
  • Time is brain: Kickstarting KDT: Evidence & Guidelines for Early Initiation of KDT – Anastasia Dressler (Austria)
  • The Efficacy of the Ketogenic Diet Beyond Seizures – Valentina De Giorgis (Italy)

For Healthcare Professionals only

Sunday, 08 September 13:45-15:00 – Michelangelo Room

Chair: Nicola Specchio (Italy)

  • Inside the brain - understanding the symptoms of DEEs: insights from basic science – Stéphane Auvin (France)
  • Changing the story for patients with specific DEEs (LGS, DS and TSC) - translating basic science into tailored clinical practice – Susana Boronat (Spain)
  • Addressing the complexity of specific DEEs (LGS, DS and TSC) - the role of highly purified cannabidiol – Adam Strzelczyk (Germany)

This promotional meeting is organised and funded by Jazz Pharmaceuticals for healthcare professionals only.

Sunday, 08 September 16:45-18:15 – Michelangelo Room


  • Seizure freedom: is the theory matching the practice? – Simona Lattanzi (Italy)
  • The impact of overtreatment in PWE management – Shanika Samarasekera (United Kingdom)
  • How to maximize efficacy outcomes in PWE management: early treatment and regimen simplification – Vicente Villanueva (Spain)
  • "Nihilism and Overtreatment" in epilepsy management: a self-experience – Bernhard Steinhoff (Germany)
  • Faculty open discussion – All Speakers
  • Q&A Session – All Speakers

This is a promotional Symposium organized by Angelini Pharma.

Monday, 09 September 08:00-09:30 - Raphael Room

Chair: Sam Amin (United Kingdom)

  • Welcome and introduction – Sam Amin (United Kingdom)
  • Deciphering the code: the role of genetic testing – Rikke Steensbjerre Møller (Denmark)
  • Seizure management: addressing unmet needs and exploring solutions – Sam Amin (United Kingdom)
  • How can we navigate the multidisciplinary patient journey towards adult care? – Nadia Bahi-Buisson (France)
  • What really matters: the patient/ caregiver perspective on living with early-onset epilepsy + Q&A – Carol-Anne Partridge (United Kingdom)
  • Panel discussion and meeting close – Sam Amin (United Kingdom)

Monday, 09 September 13:45-15:00 - Michelangelo Room

Chair: J Helen Cross (United Kingdom)

  • It's time to talk. Introduction and Chair's welcome – J Helen Cross (United Kingdom)
  • It's time to talk about a patient-focused approach – J Helen Cross (United Kingdom)
  • It's time to talk about diagnosis – Nicola Specchio (Italy)
  • It's time to talk about opportunities and management – Antonio Gil-Nagel (Spain)
  • It's time to talk about treatment priorities – Stéphane Auvin (France)
  • It's time to talk. Question and answer session – J Helen Cross (United Kingdom)

Monday, 09 September 16:45-17:45 – Bernini Room

Chair: Adam Strzelczyk (Germany)

  • Chair's Introduction – Adam Strzelczyk (Germany)
  • The Impact of seizures at cellular/network level – Heinz Beck (Germany)
  • The impact of epilepsy on human brain structure and function – Marian Galovic (Switzerland)
  • The impact of seizures in PWE: Individual-Society level – Adam Strzelczyk (Germany)
  • Q&A – All Speakers

This is a promotional Symposium organized by Angelini Pharma.

Monday, 09 September 16:45-18:00 – Caravaggio Room

Chair: Stéphane Auvin (France)

  • Charting a Path: Addressing Unmet Needs in Dravet Syndrome – Stéphane Auvin (France)
  • Navigating the Cognitive Landscape: Understanding Comorbidities in Dravet Syndrome – Rima Nabbout (France)
  • Bridging the Gap: Treatment of the Genetic Cause – Archana Desurkar (United Kingdom)
  • From Promise to Reality: Making Disease­ Modifying Therapies a Part of Dravet Care – Scott Perry (USA)

Tuesday, 10 September 08:00-09:30 – Raphael Room

Chair: Giancarlo Di Gennaro (Italy)

  • Welcome and introduction – Giancarlo Di Gennaro (Italy)
  • The use of broad-spectrum antiseizure medications in the treatment of epilepsy – Eugen Trinka (Austria)
  • Practical considerations for the treatment of generalised seizures – Vicente Villanueva (Spain)
  • Targeted therapy: evidence for treatment across epilepsy – Claudio Liguori (Italy)
  • Q&A – All Speakers

This promotional symposium has been organised and funded by Eisai Europe Ltd and Eisai medicines will be discussed. This meeting is intended for healthcare professionals.

Tuesday, 10 September 13:45 to 15:00 – Caravaggio Room

Chair: Renzo Guerrini (Italy)

  • Welcome and introductions – Renzo Guerrini (Italy)
  • Understanding the impact of polytherapy in DEEs – Francesca Sofia (Italy)
  • Practical assessment of rational polytherapy in clinical decision making – Renzo Guerrini (Italy)
  • Future perspectives in rational polytherapy – Emilio Perucca (Australia)
  • Panel discussion/ Audience Q&A – All Speakers
  • Summary and close – Renzo Guerrini (Italy)

Congress Begins

263Days : 10Hours : 15Minutes : 33Seconds

Key Dates

Congress Begins

7 September, 2024

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